The Greatest Project You Will Ever Work On Is…
There is no substitute greater in significance than the person staring back at you when you look in the mirror.
That’s right, the best project you will ever work on in this lifetime, is YOURSELF.
Sure if you are a parent your children are also a great life project but for the remainder of your life, whether or not you have children, YOU will remain to be, your greatest project.
Nothing and no one can fill your shoes. No one can fulfill those dreams you have. No one can prevent you, or push you enough into doing something you know you need to do, or are meant to do, unless YOU finally decide to do it.
Mostly everything you have ever wanted or accomplished will likely have been challenging to some degree. Some things will have given you instant gratification, while others took much longer to achieve.
Sometimes you may have struggled and sacrificed time, money, effort, sweat, blood and tears for these things, but accomplishing them brought you much satisfaction. Why? Because no one ever gave them to you for free. You hustled and worked hard for them all. When you work hard to earn something it makes it that much more satisfying.
At the end of the day, the person you aspire to become, the life you dream of having, is like a big puzzle kinda project.
YOU are worth the time –
Taking time out to work on yourself is an extremely important part of this puzzle. So many people don’t give themselves permission to do this, becausevthey might feel guilty, or think there’s not enough time in their schedules to do so.
I’m here to tell you that you should absolutely NOT feel guilty and that it IS possible to work a little “YOU” time into your schedule.
Our bodies are the only place we have to live in this lifetime. If we don’t take the time to take care of them, the outcome is usually not a good one.
With heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes (just to name a few) all on the rise, we owe it to ourselves to exercise, eat healthy, and work on positivity to sidestep these terrible diseases.
Say it loud, and say it proud: Me, me, me! OK, maybe you don’t want to shout it, but it IS that important.
Fitting in time for yourself is essential for the most basic healthy habits like a couple of exercise sessions a week supported by healthy eating (this means REAL food, not processed). If you take charge of your health you get so many good things back. You will have more energy, be more productive, are happier, and you will lower your stress.
You may think “it’s all about me” is selfish. But consider this: Other people benefit from your “YOU time,” too. When you do things that feed and strengthen you physically, mentally and emotionally you will bring greater patience and a more positive attitude to your relationships.
When you are strong, fit, well and happy with yourself and your lot in life this will benefit others too. Every spouse should have an energetic partner in life, every child deserves a happy parent; every boss would rather have a fit and healthy employee.
Don’t think of this as a “selfish” project, after all, it’s for YOU. The person who will benefit from it is you, and yes, you are special and important.
Be your own best friend –
- Listen to your heart / inner voice.
- Discover and nurture your own gifts, strengths, and talents.
- Be gentle on yourself / Learn not to be so hard on yourself.
- Find self worth from within, rather than from external validation.
- Change how you manage and handle your emotions.
- Have gratitude. Choose to see what you have, instead of what you lack.
- Know that what you see in others, you also see in yourself.
- Practice gratitude towards all parts of your body.
So focus on you…you’re worth it!
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