How To Be Your Best Self
Think about the last time you felt empowered, in control, happy and accomplished. When you felt on top of the world. That’s called being in your peak state – a state where your personal performance is at its highest.
Now imagine living in that state all the time. That’s what happens when you learn how to be your best self.
To be your best self you’ll need to first discover who you really are, then maximise your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
You need to completely shift your mindset and take control of your life. When you do, you’ll discover a whole new you.
A self that’s deeply at peace with the world, yet is also driven to achieve increased success.
Humans are capable of great things. We just need to unlock the power of our minds and focus on what we want.
If you’re wondering “How to be my best self?,” you’re already steps ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. It’s time to commit to the journey and become your best self.
For so many of us, our own beliefs about ourselves are the main thing holding us back.
These limiting beliefs tell us we aren’t athletic, courageous or worthy of love. They tell us we are lazy, stupid or unattractive. They are always there, but we don’t hear them unless we know what we are looking for.
Next time you think about exercising and a limiting belief pops up – “You’re not athletic, you hate exercise!” – replace it with a positive thought. When you want to learn a new skill like public speaking, your limiting beliefs might say, “You’re too shy!”
When you are able to recognize this negative self-talk and eliminate it from your vocabulary, you can be your best self in any situation.
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